How to Restore Teak Outdoor Furniture

How to Restore Teak Outdoor Furniture

How to restore teak garden furniture

I always have a few things in my Gumtree classifieds watchlist.

Currently, there's the antique oak secretaire cabinet and writing desk that I am lusting over, plus a vintage MGB convertible, a lamp made from a big Bailer shell and a collection of vintage apothecary jars and skeleton keys. Recently, I institute a gorgeous vintage teak reclining garden chair.

I have had my eye out for a slatted teak lounger like the one I spotted at Terrain. Merely the $900 toll tag was more than I was willing to pay. And besides, delivery to Commonwealth of australia is an expensive nightmare. I might besides be living in Narnia.

Luckily, this vintage teak recliner was a deal at merely $50 and was in the suburb but next to mine.

So afterward it sat on my watchlist for a calendar week or ii, I finally caved and picked it up! I have a spacial-estimation problem where I recollect just about everything will fit in the back of my Forrester. The chair was a tight fight, but it did fit. Forrester's are similar the Tardis on the inside!

I honey teak garden furniture.

I already have a lovely teak garden bench on my front deck that I restored after finding it on Gumtree for just $20.00. My outdoor setting is teak likewise.

Teak tin be sustainably grown. It is as well 1 of the best forest to use for garden furniture considering of its natural weather resistance. Teak wood contains oils which protects the tree against pests, rot and warping. Well cared for teak outdoor furniture can become heirloom pieces that volition concluding a century or more!

But, this recliner had seen better days. It was going to need a lilliputian dearest to restore her to her old beauty.

A quick check revealed the chair was beautifully made, solid, with no repairs required.

Information technology had faded to greyness and still had some flaking pieces of varnish. My estimate was, it had been left in a spot for a few years that had exposed information technology to our harsh Western Australian elements.

How to restore teak garden furniture

Fortunately information technology was non beyond repair.

As you lot can see, the bottom of my backyard was in need of a tidy also!

Linseed oil VS Tung oil

I decided restore and protect my chair using a mix of Linseed Oil and Mineral Turpentine in a 50:fifty mix.

I was intending to employ tung oil, a natural oil, with similar properties to linseed oil.

Tung oil is clear, will not darken the wood and gives a glossy finish. Yet, tung oil is expensive, a supply to complete the task on this project would have cost more the chair itself!

Linseed is pressed from flax or linseeds, yeah, the same linseeds that you consume! It is very thick, with a distinct olfactory property. Raw linseed oil volition take upwards to a week to dry, and then I chose boiled linseed for this chair. Information technology is non actually boiled, rather it has additives in the oil that hasten the drying procedure.

While linseed oil does not have added pigments, it volition darken your wood. Linseed oil is not equally readily weather condition resistant as tung oil, repeated applications are required to achieve the same level of protection. However, in this project, I don't mind at all.

Mineral turpentine is a petroleum-based solvent that helps to thin the oil and allow better penetration into your forest.

How to Restore and Maintain Teak and Woods Garden Furniture.

Pace One: Audit, brush and brand repairs.

Brush down the article of furniture with a stiff bristle brush and remove whatever insects or spiders. Information technology is besides a adept opportunity to closely bank check the timber for any large cracks or repairs that may be required.

How to restore teak garden furniture

If there are whatever repairs, like patching over holes, or replacing screws, practice them now, before progressing to the next step.

Pace Two: Clean and remove any residuum varnish or paint.

I have a water pressure cleaner and went over the chair to remove the flaking varnish and to give it a good clean. It was so dusty!

Thankfully, I was able to work in a sunny area with a strong cakewalk blowing and my chair took very little time to dry out. Do not proceed to stride 3 until y'all are certain your piece is completely dry.

If you don't take a pressure cleaner, there are some woods cleaning and stripping products you could use at this stride. Follow the instructions on the product and be certain your slice is completely dry before progressing to step three.

How to restore teak garden furniture

Step Iii: Sanding.

Give your article of furniture a light sanding. This will remove any residue trace of the previous treatment, (varnish in this case) and allow your oil to penetrate and protect the forest evenly and quickly.

This chair, with all those slats, took some time, but the prep time was worth it!

Castor off your piece to make clean off whatever sawdust.

Step Four: Apply your linseed oil mix

Mix your boiled linseed oil and mineral turpentine together in a ceramic or glass container in a l:50 ratio (equal measures).

How to restore teak garden furniture

This oil will stain and discolour the surface yous are working on, and then if this concerns yous, be sure to place your slice on a drib-cloth to catch whatever drips.

I like to begin by flipping the slice over and start on the underneath. The linseed oil and mineral turpentine mix is very thin, so don't be tempted to load your castor, as information technology volition either moving picture or distill backlog oil and brand a bit of a mess.

How to restore teak garden furniture

You want to evenly coat your slice with a thin awarding.

Information technology will exist very piece of cake to see which spots need an awarding, and in this instance, the wood sucked upwards the oil very quickly!

How to restore teak garden furniture

I pay special attention to exposed ends, you may observe the wood soaks upwards the oil much more than readily on these spots.

How to restore teak garden furniture

Y'all may demand to rotate your piece a few times to ensure that every surface is coated with the oil.

It is much better to apply a few light coatings of oil than to attempt a heavy-handed application that volition go tacky and have an age to dry out and cure.

Step Five: Clean upward excess oil

Leave the piece for x minutes to allow whatsoever remaining oil to soak in. And then, using a clean, lint-free rag, rub the piece over to collect any excess oil. This footstep is where your orphaned cotton socks come in handy!

This step is of import, every bit any residue oil will collect on the surface, condign tacky and slow to dry out.

How to restore teak garden furniture

Yous can come across that this was the point I started to plow pink with sunburn! Although it was a coolish day, the sun still had seize with teeth.

Get out the piece to dry overnight if possible.

Apply aloe vera for sunburn!

Step Half-dozen: Apply a few thin coats of oil.

Reapply a second coat of the oil using the same blend and process as per steps 4 and five. Two to 3 coatings volition ensure your slice is well protected and sealed. This may have a few days to consummate.

Depending on the exposure and the ferocity of your elements, your piece should be protected for upwards to a twelvemonth.

How to restore teak garden furniture

Cleaning and maintaining your wooden garden piece of furniture is a cracking annual summer task. A sunny day, (wear more dominicus protection than you recollect you'll need!) with a cool cakewalk will hasten the job along.

Step Seven: Relax and enjoy your hard piece of work!

Once your piece is completely dry, position in your favourite spot in the garden and enjoy. I've placed mine under the frangipani tree where it gets the afternoon shade.

Add a favourite volume, a absurd drink and enjoy your garden from a comfortable vantage.

How to restore teak garden furniture

Relax and experience great near the treasure you have given a 2nd chance at a meaningful life!

Time to observe and restore your own garden furniture!

Keep an eye peeled for cute pieces in your local classifieds that need merely a little dear and attending to restore them to their former glory! You can find pieces that would otherwise exist hundreds or thousands of dollars new, for a fraction of the price. All they need is your love and attending!

I love recycling, reusing and repurposing all kinds of things. You would non believe how useful and cute unwanted things tin be. If you haven't already, be sure to download the A Farm of Your Abode Guide to Recycling in Your Garden.

Recycling in Your Garden Guide cover page

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Practice let me know what y'all have found and restored! I dear to hear from y'all.

How to Restore Teak Outdoor Furniture

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